# 23 of 26.08.2024
Country: Republic of Moldova
The NGO "Positive Initiative" is a non-governmental, non-commercial, and apolitical organization that, within the projects it implements, intends to use part of the funds for contracting IT consultancy services.
In this context, the association invites eligible consultants (individuals or legal entities) to express their interest in providing the services mentioned in the attached Terms of Reference.
Interested consultants must provide a CV with information indicating that they are qualified to provide the mentioned services (description of similar services, experience under similar conditions, availability, and adequate staff competencies).
The consultant (individual or legal entity) will be selected in accordance with the "Consultants Qualification" method, as outlined in the World Bank's guidelines: "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers" (current edition).
Letters of intent along with the CV can be sent by post, email, or delivered directly to the address:
Beneficiary Name: NGO "Positive Initiative"
Address: Republic of Moldova, Chișinău, str. Independenței 6/2 (basement)
Phone: +373 22 00-99-74
Email: [email protected]
For additional information regarding the assigned tasks, you may contact:
Constantin Cearanovski
Phone: +373 68562663
Deadline: September 10, 2024, at 16:00.
Extend Deadline: September 17, 2024, at 16:00.
Note: In the letter of intent, it is necessary to provide contact information for future correspondence (name, email address, phone number of the contact person).